Unhinged Aspirations

Software developed by a man unencumbered by the difficult path ahead and fueled by unhinged aspirations!
- Ronald Manganaro

About Me

Hi my name is Ronald Manganaro. I am a passionate person and what I am passionate about is technology. There is nothing I like more than writing code and playing around with new devices. This is the reason that I chose to major in computer science at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

I created this website in order to show the world all of the exciting projects I have worked on over the years. On this website you are able to get access to detailed information on a few of the projects I have worked on. Please also feel free to checkout my github to see the remainder of my projects.


Below is a link to my resume. Feel free to take a look.

Visit Resume Page


You can access more detailed information about the following 3 projects:

FFA: Free For All is a Wii U game that was being developed for the Nintendo Wii U

FFA: Free For All

This Blackjack app runs on linux and was created with C++. The graphics and audio are handled by SFML: Super Fast Media Library


Running Buddy is an adroid application that helps the user schedule a run and give out tips to help the user run better.

Running Buddy


In my spare time I also enjoy tutoring aspiring programmers. I teach intro to:

  • Programming/Linux OS using C
  • Object Oriented Programming using C++
  • Game Development with Unity3d using C#
  • Android Development using Java/XML
Coming Soon


Please email me at any time and checkout my facebook, linkedin, or github pages.
